Are you looking to divert your food and other organic waste?
We're here to help.
We are a Composting Service Provider, custom designing organic, full circle, waste management programs for schools, private and public institutions, and commercial businesses.
Every service is customized by our environmental planners, soil experts, and resource managers, and our team is made up of the most experienced experts in the industry. They will work collaboratively with you and your team to implement a turn-key waste management system that will put you in compliance with California's mandatory food waste recycling law SB 1383.

School Composting Programs
We can work our curriculum into
your science lessons and teach
your students the value of
sustainable waste management

We teach kids how healthier habits can lead to a healthier environment by creating a cycle of clean organic materials for composting.
Our educational curriculum focuses on solutions for food consumption (upstream) and disposal issues (downstream).
We also work with facility managers to help transition schools to zero waste campuses. We set up proper infrastructures and secure service providers, from haulers to product buyers. Since 2010, we've helped schools across Southern California divert over 30 tons of organic waste from landfills by composting.
Click HERE to see some of the work we've done with one of our partnering schools.

Parks & Recreational Facilities
Composting your organic waste and using
a compost soil blend on your turf can
save you money and water.
Parks, athletic fields, golf courses, turf grass and other recreational facilities are ripe for composting!
Studies show the application of a compost-soil blend can reduce water usage by at least 30%. Reducing water usage and fertilizer expenses not only cuts your costs, but is a sustainable way of building healthy soil, and cleaning our air and water. It's a win-win solution!

The right combination of program planning design, implementation and best management practices can help you realize both economic and environmental gains in the food waste reduction system. See for yourself what you can gain in healthy more resilient turf grass just by diverting your wasted food to composting. Let our composting experts help you 'green' your facility in the most cost effective and environmentally preferrable way.

Large Venue Events
301 Organics has years of experience servicing large events and venues ranging from school fundraisers
to corporate functions to stadiums.
Whether your venue services hundreds or tens of thousands of visitors, we'll take care of everything.
We offer strategy, custom signage and messaging, and trained personnel to make sure your organic materials are sustainably managed. Before the event, our experts will asses your existing waste management practices. Then we'll partner with you to determine the best fit for your facility.
Every large venue service comes with :
Customized Signage
Specialized Containers
On-Site Monitoring and Staff Management
Visual Documentation, data recording and tracking
Food Waste Diversion Planning
Waste Diversion Reporting
Off-Site Processing of Organics/Composting
Green Messaging

Composting for Business
California implemented mandatory food
waste recycling law AB 1826 and SB 1383. Are you covered?
We’re here to help you cut costs, and give back to the community.
Recent state laws make organic waste recycling mandatory
for commercial businesses and now residents too! The choice to self-sort, self-haul, or hire out diversion services is up to the business.
Our professionals can lay out your options and get you started.

When it comes to composting, there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution. There are options, alternatives, and new technologies.
301 Organics is your trusted partner in designing the best program for your facility.
Our clients have diverted upwards of 97% of their organic waste by composting instead of landfilling.
First, we'll walk you through the ins and outs of the law. Next, we'll implement a program that will not only comply with the law but is also good business. Then if needed we can provide ongoing operations management support, all while making sure it's cost effective.
Studies show that recycling food waste and using compost results in 25% less water for irrigation. This makes composting one of the most practical urban solutions for waste management.